raised for pediatric cancer research.

First participation promotion

To obtain this promotion, contact our team at

(514) 256-0404 evenements@charlesbruneau.qc.ca

For any FIRST PARTICIPATION AT THE TOUR CIBC CHARLES-BRUNEAU at a trek of 100 km or more, the minimum fundraising amount will be reduced by 30%. For example, for a first participation in the 2-Day trek, the minimum will be $ 3,500 instead of $ 5,000.

Promotion for participants aged 40 and under

To obtain this promotion, contact our team at

(514) 256-0404 evenements@charlesbruneau.qc.ca

The minimum collection will be reduced by 30% for all PERSONS AGED 40 AND UNDER registered in Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau treks covering 100 kilometres or more. For example, for a a person aged 40 and under in a 2-Day trek, the minimum will be $ 3,500 instead of $ 5,000.


Please stay on this page during payment.

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