Avatar générique

Jonathan Riopel

Encourage me

My Information

Years of Participation 5

My Motivation

Dear colleagues, partners, friends,

Thank you for encouraging me to make a difference for a cause that is close to my heart, the health of our children.

Give generously, I'll take care of the riding for you, deal?

Let's work together to provide all children with cancer with the best chance of cure by funding research and supporting the development of projects dedicated to pediatric hemato-oncology.

Once again THANK YOU.



2-Day Planet Courrier Sherbrooke

Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau 2024

Team Goal



raised by team

My donations

Karine Sebbag Dentiste Inc.



Centre dentaire du village inc.



Marie-Claude Fortier




Go go go Jojo !!!! 🚴🏻🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️


logo.JPG (16) Clinique Dentaire 1935

Mille mercis, pour ton courage et ta détermination.

Jonathan Riopel




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