
Sylvain Dumoulin

Encourage me

My Information

Ambassadeur Trophe CMYK

Ambassadors x1

Years of Participation 12

My Motivation

Dear friends, family and generous donors,

I address you with a heart full of gratitude and determination, because this year marks my 13th participation in the Charles-Bruneau Foundation's CIBC Tour, a cause that is particularly close to my heart.

On July 4 and 5, 2024, I am preparing to travel 300 km between Gatineau and Boucherville as part of this exceptional event. It's much more than just a bike ride for me - it's a commitment to the fight against pediatric cancer in Quebec.

Every pedal stroke counts, and this is where your support becomes essential. I have a goal of $5,000 for this fundraising, and I invite you to join me in this adventure.

Your generosity can make a tangible difference in the lives of children affected by cancer, by contributing to the research, care and support necessary for them to pursue their dreams.

To make a donation, please visit my online collection page or contact me directly. Each contribution, large or small, brings the achievement closer to our common goal.

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart those who have already supported this cause in the past and those who are preparing to do so this year. Together, we can make a real difference.

Thank you for being part of this mission against pediatric cancer.


2-Days trek Gatineau - SOLD OUT

Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau 2024





My donations

Louise Turcotte

Félicitations pour ton engagement et bonne randonnée !



Please stay on this page during payment.

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