
Cynthia Pollender

Encourage me

My Information

Years of Participation 20

My Motivation

Children are the source of today’s life…
It is to build with them the world of tomorrow.

The disease shoukd not be in this period of children’s lives.

Help me by contributing, no matter the amount, to raise valuable fines for research to cure our sick children.

Every Small gesture, every dollar collectively raised counts so that her children can live healthy lives.

Than you for your contribution and your generosity and trust,


Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau 2024





My donations

François Bertrand

Lâche pas , tu es la meilleure !


Claire Duquette

Tickets - Big Draw


André Tremblay



David Danovitch



Pascal Grenier

Très belle cause:), merci pour ton implication!!!!


Christian Lacasse


Murielle Aquin

Bravo pour ton implication dans cette belle cause





Christiane Comeau




Félicitations et merci pour votre implication!


Bianca Mailloux

Bravo! C’est effectivement une superbe cause.


Please stay on this page during payment.

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