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Bob Decker

Encouragez moi

Mes informations

Années de participations 1

Ma motivation

Je suis une survivante du cancer. Le traitement du cancer était difficile à l’âge adulte, aucun enfant ne devrait jamais avoir à endurer cela. Nous devons croire qu’un remède est possible. S’il vous plaît, envisagez de soutenir cette cause importante. Chaque dollar compte.


2 jours Gatineau - COMPLET

Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau 2024

Objectif à amasser

3 500,00 $

4 115,00 $

de dons amassés

Dons reçus

Andritz Inc.

Enjoy the ride!

100,00 $

Satthia Gauthier

Go Bob ! Have fun !

75,00 $


Good Luck!

50,00 $

Michael Schmit

Good Luck Bob!

25,00 $

Nancy Talatinian


25,00 $

Rick Huss

Good luck Bob and enjoy the ride!

50,00 $

Miron Construction

Good luck from your friends at Miron Construction!

Denice Laehn

Good luck with the bike race! I give you SO much credit for your hard work training and dedication to this event. I know that it is close to your heart, since you have experienced the cancer fight as an adult.
I will be thinking of you during your travels and event.

Stay strong my friend!

25,00 $

Jonathan Moore

Go Bob Go.. We couldn't have any better representative than you for the tissue group in the USA. You know better than anyone else, how rough it is to go through cancer. Thanks for doing this for the kids !!

100,00 $



1 300,00 $

Steven Senor

Thank you Bob, great work and best success and sending positive energy and support on your ride!

50,00 $

EC North #6

Good luck on your ride. I hope you reach your goal for the kids!

50,00 $

Chris Chapek

Good luck Bob!

75,00 $

Tim Bauer


25,00 $

Sadith Osseni

Good Luck Bob!

50,00 $

Jessica Mueller

Good luck Bob! You got this!

50,00 $

Paul Olson

I wish you the best in this adventure. You have worked hard to be able to participate in an event of this caliber. When it gets difficult think about the kids your helping.

75,00 $

Mark Berger

Best of Luck Bob!
Especially in the post-tour recovery!

100,00 $

Andy Markert

Good luck Bob!!

100,00 $

Nic Nehring

Great job Bob! Best of luck on your bike ride.

300,00 $

Mark Hultman


25,00 $

Todd Berg


75,00 $

Scott Cisewski

Best of luck Bob, you inspire many with your determination

200,00 $

Michael Parrett

Good Luck Bob!

50,00 $

Lisa Henrichs


50,00 $

Sandra Bourret


75,00 $

Tricia Lyngen

Good Luck BOB!

125,00 $

Nathaly Preville

Good Luck Bob and I am proud of you!

25,00 $

Carla Peterson

Good luck on your journey!

75,00 $

Rick Parr


75,00 $

Andy Peterson

Good luck. I also believe someday there will be a cure for cancer. You handled the cards dealt you with class and drive. You are a great example of persevering under the most difficult circumstances.

150,00 $

Bob Decker


250,00 $


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