
Xavier Duprat

Encouragez moi

Mes informations

Batisseur Trophe CMYK

Bâtisseurs x2

Années de participations 3

Ma motivation

Cette année encore, je ferai 500 km à vélo avec mes collègues pour soutenir les enfants qui luttent contre le cancer. Même si le taux de survie dépasse 80 %, nous nous engageons à atteindre 100 %. Chaque kilomètre parcouru signifie un progrès vers la guérison. Votre soutien nous permet de nous rapprocher de cet objectif. Rejoignez-nous pour garantir un avenir où chaque enfant peut vaincre le cancer.

Merci d'être à nos côtés!


Parcours 4 jours - FERMÉ

Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau 2024

Objectif à amasser

70 000,00 $

84 700,00 $

de dons amassés

Dons reçus

Louis Ratté

Congrats mon Chum. Merci pour ton implication. Au plaisir de se revoir



1 000,00 $

Elaine Gamache

Merci pour votre engagement auprès de ces enfants et de cette noble cause

150,00 $


Vous avez tout notre soutien et vous souhaite une merveilleuse journée à vélo
Bon tour!

5 000,00 $

MegaCorp Logistics LLC

The ride will have its challenges but remember why your there and that will be extra drive you need to keep pushing. It is an incredible sense of accomplishment with everyone striving together to support such a great cause. I admire your willingness to push your body and mind in support of curing a disease that has impacted so many.


1 000,00 $



2 500,00 $

LCL Logo.png Loblaw Supply Chain

Loblaw Supply Chain is honoured to support Xavier Duprat and Cascades on the Tour CIBC Charles Bruneau Foundation.

We thank Cascades for including Loblaw in such a worthy cause, helping young Canadians Live Life Well as we become Stronger Together!

Merci Beaucoup and Good Luck Xavier

5 000,00 $

Direct Traffic Solutions Inc

Xavier, remember when you hit the hills and you feel tired, sore or hungry, just remember what your riding for. No amount pain will stop you and whatever pain you have doesn't come close to the pain those children go through every day. Here @ DTS we are so honored to be part of an event that Helps a great cause & holds dear to your heart! Lets stop with the words of encouragement and go GET IT DONE! RIDE ON!

15 000,00 $

Everest Transportation

Its our honour to contribute and support Xavier and the Cascades Team for the CIBC Charles-Bruneau Tour this year. Best of luck & have great Tour!

Andy & Everest Transporation Team

5 000,00 $

SCT Logo.jpg (3) St. Croix Tissue, Inc


1 000,00 $

Bedford Paper, Inc.

Thank you to Xavier and the entire team at Cascades for fighting to end childhood cancer. Bedford Paper is honored to take part in this amazing cause and hope each dollar raised brings us one step closer to curing and preventing this horrible disease in the youngest among us. On behalf of the entire Bedford Paper team we wish you and all the cyclists a safe ride!

2 500,00 $

Banque CIBC

Merci d’avoir redoublé d’efforts pour une enfance sans cancer !

500,00 $

Logo (002).jpg (4) Tecmar International Inc

Bravo Xavier pour ton implication dans cette belle cause!

350,00 $

Sun Transportation Systems

Thank you so much for your heartfelt commitment and dedication. It’s inspiring to hear about all the positive contributions and the significant impact you are all making.

150,00 $

TTKS.PNG Titanium Transportation Group Inc.

Xavier et l'équipe de Cascades vous remercient pour votre participation au Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau cette année. Nous sommes heureux de soutenir les cyclistes de Cascades et cette cause. Bonne route!

Xavier and the Cascades Team thank you for participating in the Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau this year. We are happy to support the Cascades cyclists and this great cause. Safe riding!

Rob and Team Titanium

5 000,00 $

Rome.jpg (1) Rome Transportation Inc.

Rome is proud to support this great initiative again this year. Best of luck to Xavier and the Cascades team!

5 000,00 $

QB GPTW 2023.jpg (4) Quarterback Transportation Inc.

Bonne chance Xavier - Quarterback is proud to support Cascades' involvement with the Charles-Bruneau Foundation. Have a save journey everyone!

5 000,00 $

Convermat Corporation


500,00 $

M2 Logistics, Inc.

Good luck on the Tour. This is a great cause and M2 is behind you all the way !

Paul Anderson and the M2 Logistics team

5 000,00 $

Priority 1 Inc Logo.png Priority 1 Inc

Priority 1 Inc is very excited for this years event and wish you and the team all the best! Your message and your cause are uplifting and inspiring and I am happy to support you on this journey. Good luck Xavier!!!

10 000,00 $

XTL-TLD-Logo.jpg (3) XTL Transport Inc.

Bonne chance Xavier et l'équipe Cascades! C'est pour une belle cause!

5 000,00 $

Full Color Logo.png Axle Logistics


10 000,00 $


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